Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick or Treat

For the first time ever on Halloween, my kids were separated. Alexis spent trick or treating with her girlfriends while Steven stayed with us. I was a little bit sad because Alexis is growing up too fast. I don't blame her for wanting to spend time with her friends though. It's more fun that way. Anyway, speaking of growing up, I'm dreading the time the first zit pops on her face. All teenagers go through the acne stage and I know how awkward it can be. That's why I've been researching natural acne treatment just in case.


At 9:25 AM , Blogger justice said...

same with mine. alyanna had her "private" party with her classmates at her best friend's house and keanu was with his ex-classmate in the holland club where andreas and i were still welcome---kay alyanna, out na parents haha


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