Baby Shower
A co-worker is having her daughter-in-law's baby shower tomorrow. It almost didn't happen. She had everything prepared. Hall rented, cheap flyers from printed, cake ordered, family and friends invited and ready for the event. 2 weeks ago, the daughter-in-law was rushed to the hospital due to contractions. She was going into labor 8 weeks early, and it was very scary for the whole family. Doctors ordered complete bed rest and she wasn't allowed to leave the hospital until she delivers. My co-worker had to think of a way to still celebrate the shower and be with her daughter-in-law at the same time. So they decided to do the shower at the hospital. It was a little curve ball at an unexpected moment. Thankfully, the doctors determined that it would be safe for her to go home. Everyone's happy for her and the baby shower will go as planned.
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