Sunday, November 04, 2007

Innovative Tutor

Alexis is a really smart girl. I've never really had any major concern with her and school. She grasps things easily and doesn't struggle with school work. She also loves to read. She can spend hours and hours reading. She never read Harry Potter though. She gave it a try but it's just not her cup of tea. Her love for reading helped her out a lot in her spelling bee competition last school year. She was the spelling bee champion of her school and was the representative to the European Spelling Bee championship.

This year is a big change for her though. She transferred to a different school. New set of friends, new set of teachers. People here don't know her and what she can do. So far, things seem to be going smooth. She even mentioned school is easier here than in Germany. But if ever time comes that I see her struggling, I wouldn't think twice about hiring an Innovative Tutor to help keep her on track.


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