Saturday, November 03, 2007

Marriage counselling

Everyone knows there is no such thing as a perfect marriage. People who are in a successful marriage or relationship will tell you that there will always be the unexpected bumps along the way. What matters most is how we deal with those occassional bumps. Do we get mad at our spouse? Do we care about how our mate is feeling? Do we play fair? Do we compromise and try to understand where our partner is coming from? Or do we just give up without even giving it a try?

Sure, the easiest thing to do might be to just turn your back and move on and be happy, taking for granted all the good things that made you fall in love with your spouse in the first place. But for people who are willing to work things out, they understand the importance of marriage counseling. They know the importance of seeking clarity and answers to their relationship issues. They seek to enhance and nurture the marriage. They are pro-active....and that, I believe is what matters most.


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