Thursday, February 24, 2011


Since joining facebook a couple of years ago, I've successfully reconnected with a bunch of friends from way back when. It's nice to see all of them after a decade or two. It's been 18 years since I left the Philippines, after all. I've missed them, and I'm very happy to see them once again. Some have aged, some stayed the same, some are married, some not. What surprised me in particular is one friend I'll call "Elvis". Elvis was very scrawny, you see. We all thought he was sort of "feminine", and we thought for sure he was just too shy to come out of the closet. Lo and behold after 2 decades, his FB profile picture is that of a man looking really handsome and buff. I found out that he's married with 3 kids, and has won several body-building contests with the help of discipline, exercise, will power and creatine powder. I am so proud of him! And no, I didn't tell him what we all thought of him back in the day. :-)


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